Flat UI Responsive Business Blogger Template by Prayag Werma

Flat UI Responsive Business Blogger Template
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Theme Author/Designer: Prayag Werma
Theme Name: Flat UI Responsive Blogger Template
Description: A responsive blogger template from Prayag Verma inspired from Flat UI Kit by DeisgnModo.  Flat UI Blogger Template is fully responsive and feature-rich template. Advantages over other Blogger templates is the ease customize the various components via the Blogger Template Designer. Many custom options have been added to the Template Designer to make it simpler to modify from a single location
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License: Creative Commons
Theme Details / Features:
  • Responsive
  • Infinte Post Scrolling
  • Custom Template Designer Options
  • CSS3 Tags Widget
  • Super Fast Load Time
  • Inbuilt Read More Hack
  • Share Privacy Buttons
Flat UI Responsive Business Blogger Template by Prayag Werma Flat+UI+Blogger+Business+Template+by+Prayag based on 3 ratings. A responsive blogger template from Prayag Verma inspired from Flat UI Kit by DeisgnModo. Flat UI Blogger Template is fully responsive and feature-rich template.


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